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Civil Engineering Department-Research & Publications

Civil Engineering

Research & Publications

  • Prof. V.S. Shingade
    1. International Journal of engineering science and research technology on “Review of Malin Landslide” in Feb 2015.
    2. International Journal of Modern Trends & Research “Suitability of Red mud as an admixture in concrete “ Vol 2 Issue 7 July 2015 pp 880-884
    3. International Journal of engineering science and research technology on “Influence of recycled aggregate on mechanical properties of concrete” in May 2015.
  • Prof. P.M.Kulkarni
    1. International Journal of Modern Trends & Research “Suitability of Red mud as an admixture in concrete “ Vol 2 Issue 7 July 2015 pp 880-884
    2. International Journal of Modern Trends & Research, “Parametric study of solid slab & voided slab “ vol 2 Issue 5 Feb 2015
  • Prof. J.S. Kanase
    1. STRUCTURAL STRENGTHNING WITH FRP: Shear strengthening of reinforced concrete beams using fiber reinforced polymer : A general review , INDIAN CONCRETE JOURNAL, ISSN: 0019-4565 , March 2013 Volume 87, Number 3.
  • Prof. M.D. Mundada
    1. Elixir cement & con. Com.60 “Appraisal of strength of self-compacted concrete with variable size of steel aggregate” ISSN : 2229-712X July 2013, pp 10775-10778
    2. International Journal of engineering research & applications “Effect of volume fraction of polypropylene fiber on mechanical properties of concrete “ ISSN : 2248-9622 VOL-4, ISSUE-6 June 2014 pp 67-69
    3. International Journal of Innovative research in science engineering and technology” Appraisal of strength of SCC with variable size of steel fiber ” ISSN : 2319-8753 VOL.3, issue-11, Nov 2014 , pp 17351-17358
  • Prof. V. R. Kasar
    1. "Application of UASBR for treatment of Dairy Waste Water” (2014) International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research & Advances in Engineering(IJMRAE), Vol.6, No.III, July 2014
    2. “Treatability study of Dairy Waste Water by Using UASBR” (2014), International InventiveMultidisciplinary Journal (ISSN 2348-7135) July 2014.
    3. Paper Presented on “Application of UASBR for treatment of Dairy Waste Water” (2014),National Conference on ADVANCES IN CIVIL & STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING(NCACSE2014), KARAD
    4. Attended International Conference- “Green Expo (KermaKonsum )” by SAKALGroup in Koregaon Park, Pune.(2014)
    5. Workshop attended on “HIGH impact teaching skill” through ‘MISSION10X’ by Wipro- ISTEcertificate course in VIT, Pune.(2010 & 2012)
  • Prof. P. K. Gunjal
    1. International Journal of engineering science and research technology on “Review of Malin Landslide” in Feb 2015.
    2. International Journal of abbarce foundation & research in science & engineering on “Redesign of intersection of Road MantarwadiChowk Pune “ in July 2015
    3. International Journal of engineering science & research technology of green building technology in Feb 2015
    4. International Journal of engineering science and research technology on “ Use of waste plastic in Road pavement “ in July 2015
  • Prof. Jagtap R.N.:International journal:1
  • Prof. Shiras P.P.:International journal:3 International conference: 3
  • Prof. Shrishrimal  R.P.:International journal:1 International conference: 1

Best Engg. College, Pune