K J College of Engineering & Management Research, Pune
     Estd. 2009
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Gravity- 2K25 Registration Link Pay College Fee Here        Student's Choice TOP Rating College =>   Google = 4.7/5           Collegedunia = 8.1/10           Shiksha.com = 4.2/5           Careers360 = 4.2/5           Justdial = 4.6/5    

ADMISSIONS  A.Y. 2024-25

UG Admissions

College follows admission rules laid down by ‘Director of Technical Education’, Maharashtra state . As per the rule 80% seats of every course are filled by centralized admission procedure( JEE score). 20% seats are filled at institute level.

The Detailed Guidelines as follows

1. FE-First Year Engineering (12th Science with PCM + Entrance Exam i.e. MHT-CET, JEE-Main)
2. DSE-Direct Second Year Engineering–(Diploma/B.Sc)
3. VS - Vacant Seats (The students who are failing in First Year, this number is added to Lateral Entry, in respective branches) 4. LE-Lateral Entry to DSE –Diploma (20% Additional Seats) 5. ME-Master of Engineering (Degree in relevant discipline with GATE) 6. Institute can fill 20% Seats in addition Vacant Seats after CAP rounds

Education Loan Scheme:

1. Bank Loan up to Rs. 10 Lakhs is available for entire course of study (including Hostel / Books )
2. Repayment after one year of graduation or after 6 months of getting Job
3. No guarantee is required for Bank loan up to Rs.4 Lakhs

KJ College of Engineering & Managment Research (EN-6320) Fee Structure and Choice Codes
Degree program Intake General Choice Code TFWS Choice Code Admission Fee
B.E. (Mech) 90 632061210 632061211T
A.Y. 2024- 25

Fees Details: Click Here
B.E. ( E & TC ) 60 632037210 632037211T
B.E. (Electrical) 60 632029310 632029311T
B.E. ( Computer ) 180 632024510 632024511T
B.E(Civil) 120 632019110 632019111T
BE Electronics (VLSI Design & Technology) 60 632037810 632037811T
BE (Electronics and Communication - Advanced Communication Technology) 60 632092810 632092811T
**Note: Total Fee includes other Fee's along with Tuition Fee and Development Fee.

Second Year Admissions
Students who have completed diploma in engineering can get admission at second year level.

For Detailed information
Admission procedure and rules please refer www.dtemaharastra.org.in.

Contact Details

Office: 8446021199 , 8446031199
Toll Free No.:1800-233-1718

Department Contact No.
Mechanical Engineering 9850096990
Civil Engineering 8805009989
E&TC Engineering 8888890098
Computer Engineering 9175295782
Electrical Engineering 96625242570
VLSI Design & Technology 8007908391
Electronics and Communication - Advanced Communication Technology 8446031199
First Year 8308745421
K J College of Engineering & Management Research, Pune