K J College of Engineering & Management Research, Pune
     Estd. 2009
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Welcome to



Prof. Rajusing D. Rathod
BE, ME, Ph.D (Reg.) Mechanical, MISTE
Training and Placement Officer
K J College of Engineering & Management Research, Pune – 411048

Contact Details
Email: tpo.kjcoemr@kjei.edu.in , rajusingrathod@gmail.com
Mobile No- +917588846371, +917620706760

Our Placement Cooridnators
1. Prof. Samir Potdar – Mech. Dept.
2. Prof. Mohit Kumar – Elec. Dept.
3. Prof. Satish Yedge – Comp. Dept.
4. Prof. Shivmurti Kshetri – Civil Dept.
5. Prof. Sabiha Parveen – E&TC. Dept.
VISION : "Enhance the employability skills among the students to meet out the corporate expectations."
MISSION : "To partner with renowned organizations from industry & organize recruitment drives for our students within and outside the campus."
MOU's Signed with "KJ College of Engineering and Management Research"

Click Here for MOU's E Copy

IBM-Skill Build:
We Signed MOU with IBM, Skill Build Program in July 2021, for Regular Training,Certification, FDP and Placements is conducted by IBM since then.

Zensar Technologies:
We Signed MOU with Zensar Technolgies in 2014 for Regular training, Industry Visits and placements is conducted by Zensar since then.

Persistent Systems:
We Signed MOU with Persistent Systems in 2014 for Regular training, Industry Visits and placements is conducted by Persistent since then.


"KJCOEMR has established Training & Placement Cell for training students not only to meet industry need but also to guide the students for their Career. Training is starts from second year of the B.E. Course. In 1st training session, students were made aware about themselves & the suitable career choices. Students are exposed to different aspect of their career through different training workshops, which is conducted by professional training institutes & industry professionals at KJCOEMR.

Students are trained for different attributes of their overall personality development e.g. coping up with pressure & Setbacks, assertiveness, analytical ability, logical reasoning, Inter personal skills & Communication, Leadership development, etc. KJCOEMR is also promoting Quiz contest, project competitions and hackathons organized by varies organizations for adding more value in our student's knowledge & overall personality.

For promoting "Higher Education" we are taking help of well known professional training institutes in Maharashtra. We conduct training program from third year in the area of Aptitude, Logical reasoning, English, soft skill, different languages etc. through trained faculties and by arranging workshops."


1. Employability Assessment Test
2. Aptitude Training
3. Soft skills Training
4. Mock Group discussion sessions
5. Mock Personal interview sessions
6. Guest sessions from Industries
7. Mock Placement drive activity
8. Workshops


Sr. No.




Edunet Foundation-IBM Skills Build Program - AI,Cyber  Security, Soft Skills



Barclays Connect with Work training program



FUEL Aptitude Training

T.E.  & F.E.


byteXL _Centre of Excellence



RGP Zensar ESD Program 

T.E. CS/ EnTc Branches


 Evolving X-Empowerment Programs through Skill Based Training, Strategic Consultation, Education and Research.

S.E. T.E.  & F.E.


TCS NINJA Training - byTeXL



AMCAT Assessment test

T.E.  & F.E.


Global Talent Track Training - Atos Syntel CSR training- GTT 



Online Assessment of the Persistent Mock test.(CS/IT)



Mock test conducted by Hitbulls Eye for Zensar Candidates (CS/EnTc)


Updated List upto Current A.Y. .

Students Placed in 2017-18

Sr. No Name of Student Name of Company Sr. No Name of Student Name of Company
1 Akshada Jamdar Arronics Infosoft 46 Abhishek Dev Infosys
2 Mohit Chandane Arronics Infosoft 47 Sudhindra Purohit Infosys
3 Surabhi Nilangekar Arronics Infosoft 48 Somesh Deshmukh Capgemini
4 Prathik P. Patade KJ Infra 49 Akshay Mane Encore
5 Lukade Anwarhusain KJ Infra 50 Jangam Praval Balaji Developer
6 Shubham G. Rankhamb KJ Infra 51 Swanand Borade Primus Tech systems
7 Vicky C. Pacharane KJ Infra 52 Sagar Jagtap Primus Tech systems
8 Pranjal A. Kothari KJ Infra 53 Tejas Kharat Poonawala
9 Guruprasad M Rasal KJ Infra 54 Ganesh Lasure Nvidia Graphics
10 Javedakram A. Bagwan KJ Infra 55 Varsha Sid P&G Infotech
11 Pratik R. Raut KJ Infra 56 Meghana Shinde Master Card
12 Shashikant S. Patil KJ Infra 57 Jinto Joju DD Dngineers
13 Rahul K. Yede KJ Infra 58 Depthi Damare Axis Ltd
14 Ashish Panchal Amazon 59 Swapnil Nair HCL
15 Virendra Panchal Amazon 60 Vishal Pawar Cellplan
16 Akshay Kondhalkar Amazon 61 Ramchandra Mane Cellplan
17 Vinit Udas Amazon 62 Toshant Kapsae Trilion
18 Rutuja Balkundre Amazon 63 Amol Waghmare Infosoft sol
19 Aabid Khan Amazon 64 Shirish Bhosale Codewala
20 Urja Patel Amazon 65 Kalkhaire Aakash Kular Bhidicon
21 Kanak Redij Amazon 66 Mane Mayur T Systems
22 Priyanka Saraf Amazon 62 Abhikesh Tawade Vodafone
23 Kiran Baing Amazon 63 Shubham Harpale VK Engg
24 Rajitha Pillai Amazon 64 Nitin Bhagat JKL Engg
25 Anand Soman Amazon 65 Satish Ghodale Furotech
26 Anand Patel Amazon 66 Ujwala Bandal Hitachi
27 Aniket Lode Amazon 67 Prachi Patil Hitachi
28 Prashant Nangpure BMC Engg 68 Manoj Mane Mahindra and Mahindra
29 Saad Khan Amazon 69 Sonali Kharat Xiomi
30 Alishan Khan Amazon 70 Revoor Shiva Vascon
31 Viraj Desai Amazon 71 Pallavi Jagtap KPIT
32 Arsalan Lambey EasyFarm Agrotech 72 Jatil Desul Emphasis
33 Sanket Borate EasyFarm Agrotech 73 Asim Sayyad Emphasis
34 Suhail Mulla EasyFarm Agrotech 74 Sagar Khandare Honywell
35 Aniket Lode EasyFarm Agrotech 75 Sneha Rangole Bently Systems
36 Tushar Shinde EasyFarm Agrotech 76 Vikram Dalavi Shinde Develpoers
37 Akshay Supekar EasyFarm Agrotech 77 Vicky Pacharane Shinde Develpoers
38 Umesh Bhosale EasyFarm Agrotech 78 Sagar Dhage Shinde Develpoers
39 Kiran Kotwal EasyFarm Agrotech 79 Shubham Todkar Shinde Develpoers
40 Prakash Nikam EasyFarm Agrotech 80 Gruprasad Rasal Shinde Develpoers
41 Aslam Shaikh EasyFarm Agrotech 82 Pranav Purohit Shinde Develpoers
42 Antenawala abbasali H zensar Technologies 83 Vijay Padar Shinde Develpoers
43 Kaul Nihal zensar Technologies 84 Gore Shipla Omprakash zensar Technologies
44 Gore Shipla Omprakash zensar Technologies 85 Manoj Mane Mahindra and Mahindra
45 Dheeraj Bahel Persistent 86 Manoj Mane Shinde Develpoers

Students Placed in 2016-17

Sr. No Name of Student Name of Company Sr. No Name of Student Name of Company
1 Mane Saurabh Bharat Tech Mahindra 16 sruthi ramesh zensar Technologies
2 Khan Amanullah Saifullah Tech Mahindra 17 Isra Fatma zensar Technologies
3 Zoya Shaikh Tech Mahindra 18 Pratik Pundlik Sayanekar zensar Technologies
4 Abhishek Oswal Tech Mahindra 19 kartike kampassi zensar Technologies
5 Pritesh Runwal Tech Mahindra 20 Vishal Bafna zensar Technologies
6 Kiran Bhame YARDI Software 21 Bethsheba Peter David zensar Technologies
7 Ajinkya Dhumal IRTM Robotics 22 Muzammil Gulab Nadaf zensar Technologies
8 Shirin Shaik flextronics 23 Dheeraj Bahl zensar Technologies
9 Bruhan Waghajipurwala Mahindra & Mahindra 24 Pratiksha Vijay Gunjal zensar Technologies
10 Hardik Kawa Savysoft 25 Poorva Sanjay Awale zensar Technologies
11 Sawan Oswal Savysoft 26 Rushabh Satish Shah zensar Technologies
12 Taher Joher Ajnawala zensar Technologies 27 Kavde Siddhi Sandeep zensar Technologies
13 Ranganath Hanumantha Pujari zensar Technologies 28 Gaurav Bhosale zensar Technologies
14 kedar mulay zensar Technologies 29 Labeez Kazi zensar Technologies
15 Gaurav D Patel zensar Technologies 30 Manoj Mane Mahindra and Mahindra

Students Placed in 2015-16

Sr. No Name of Student Name of Company Sr. No Name of Student Name of Company
1 Saurabh Jadhav L&T Infotech 53 Tanzila Tamboli ADM Softech
2 Rakhi Bondre TCS 54 Madhuri Toshniwal Satyam Tech
3 Nitin Sutar Mahindra  55 Aniket Sharma Zensar Technologies
4 Rakesh More Zensar Technologies 56 Sabah Memon Zensar Technologies
5 Akshay Jadhav John deer 57 Juwairiya Shaikh Zensar Technologies
6 Sumit Dhone BOSCH 58 Hardik Kawa Perrenial sys
7 Palash Zope Faurecia 59 Mangesh Arvind ADM Softech
8 Sumit Patil Crimson 60 Kajal Bhonije Crimson
9 Yogesh Khajure Crimson 61 Saurabh Hundare SGS Tech
10 Priyanka Sopan ADM Softech 62 Sonia Dsuza Zensar Technologies
11 Akaksha Jadhav HP 63 Jagdish Velapure SGS Tech
12 Sadhana More Future Tech. Solution 64 Sourabh Dudakia Zensar Technologies
13 Rushikesh Shewale Mphasis 65 Akshay Mohite EKI
14 Deepali Jagtap HP 66 Siddharth Nikam EKI
15 Ankita Wagh Crimson 67 Swapnil Shinde Crimson
16 Ganesh Swami Araymonds  68 Deven Thanki Zensar Technologies
17 Swati Shinde SGS Tech 69 Shubham Khairnar  OFOS
18 Swagnik Das Amazon 70 Nikita Udavant Satyam Tech
19 Baba Orla Araymonds  71 Heren Galani Zensar Technologies
20 Sneha Gole Prolifics 72 Raveena Sarda Zensar Technologies
21 Chetan Hole SGS Tech 73 Khagendra Sharma Faurecia
22 Omkar Pendase Faurecia 74 Amid Patel Zensar Technologies
23 Shanmukh Joshi Faurecia 75 Priyanka Jarange Crimson
24 Aditya Dhamal EKI 76 Akshada Paygude Crimson
25 Sagar Borade EKI 77 Shaikh Amaad ADM Softech
26 Poonbam Khese Crimson 78 Vishal Gaware Crimson
27 Shubham Chaudhari L&T Infotech 79 Sana Mulla HP
28 Vivek kumar ADM Softech 80 Prajakta Dattatray ADM Softech
29 Nutan Madake Satyam Tech 81 Vinayak Singh HP
30 Avantika Patil HP 82 Jigna Gohel HP
31 Sunit kumar HP 83 Kunjir Shrinavas Crimson
32 Pratik Badkar TCS 84 Aniket Wable Crimson
33 Mukesh Choudhary capgemini 85 Anjum Patel HP
34 Kunal Patil OFOS 86 Pranil Makhija L&T Infotech
35 Aakanksha Angre Zensar Technologies 87 Sachin Dhantole  SGS Tech
36 Garurav Barfe Zensar Technologies 88 Nikhil Pawar EKI
37 Zeenath Salim ADM Softech 89 Snehal Thopate HP
38 Vighnesh Bheed Zensar Technologies 90 Priyanka Salam HP
39 Mayuresh Nakade HP 91 Kulbhushan jain SGS Tech
40 Monica Shatani Zensar Technologies 92 Ameya Anirudh ADM Softech
41 Kamran Shaikh TCS 93 Mili Sinha HP
42 Swapnil Parvate Grand View 94 Akashhy Mhalaskar SGS Tech
43 Sanket Eshwar Bora Zensar Technologies 95 Kryston Shetye SGS Tech
44 Arshi Akab  Zensar Technologies 96 Smutika M HP
45 Kangana Udiyar  Zensar Technologies 97 Arnold Fernanes SGS Tech
46 Vivek parkhe Falkom Design 98 Vikas Unnikrishnan HP
47 Shah Vinit Manish  Zensar Technologies 99  Shruti Doshi Voltas
48 Sarad Radhika  Zensar Technologies 100 Abhishek Dangi HP
49 Sawan Aswal U & D Square 101 Surabhi Rajan HP
50 Alfia naseem Zensar Technologies 102 Sameer Khengare SGS Tech
51 Ketan Shah EKI 103 Dhananjay Kor Prolifics
52 Pratik Patki Zensar Technologies 104 Shruti Shah Mphasis

Students Placed in 2014-15

Sr. No Name of Student Name of Company Sr. No Name of Student Name of Company
1 Khagendra Sharma Faurecia 13 Siddhart Nikam EKI
2 Omkar Pendshe Faurecia 14 Akshay Mohite EKI
3 Ganesh Swami Faurecia 15 Nikhil Pawar EKI
4 Sanmukh Joshi Faurecia 16 Swapnil Dhamale EKI
5 Yuvraj Bhandari Faurecia 17 Sagar Borade EKI
6 Palash Zope Faurecia 18 Siddhrath Borade EKI
7 Swapnil Borade Faurecia 19 Ketan Shah EKI
8 Omkar Deglurkar volkswagen 20 Bajare Khushal Jai Hind
9 Ganesh Swami Areymond 21 Baba Orla Areymond
10 Yuvraj Bhandari Horizon telcom 22 Mayur Yadav General Motors India Ltd.
11 Dhaval Jain L&T Infotech 23 Udaysing Bhosale Assist. Engineering MPSC
12 Dnyaneshwar Ghadage Devagiri Fourging      

Students Placed in 2013-14

Sr. No Name of Student Name of Company Sr. No Name of Student Name of Company
1 Karan Mitra  Persistent Systems 23 Ranjeet Daingade CEMCON concrete 
2 Nishikant Mokashi Persistent Systems 24 Kamlesh Kalantari CEMCON concrete 
3 Vaibhav Shereshande INFOSYS 25  Nikita Jagtap CEMCON concrete 
4 Neeraj Papade Patil  INFOSYS 26 Swapnil Kamathe TAFE Ltd
5 Prajakta Kulkarni Briforce Technologies 27 Sanket Gayake Protego India
6 Vivek Jadhav Finntaito Inc- Finland 28 Gaurav Shinde Bosch Chasis System
7 Archana Pokharakar HSBC 29 Shriram Datar  Quick heal
8 Kunal Kawale Rookie Web  30 Pallavi Nikam L&T
9 Monish Khunte Rookie Web  31 Natasha Fernandes HSBC Softr
10 Chinmay Gadgil Rookie Web  32 Manisha Fernandes HSBC Softr
11 Rohit Malani Flexitronics 33 Parikh Rahul Force Motors
12 Pankaj Jagtap Flexitronics 34 Ravindra Dubey Scemco Electrical 
13 Rohit Kulkarni Tech Mahindra 35 Sumit Pawar Indian Army
14 Gajanan Khade Tech Mahindra 36 Mehul Sangavi  Syntel
15 Sammir Wartak  Tech Mahindra 37 Prasad Patil Vodafone
16 Anagha Tiwari  K J Automotive 38 Renuka Dubey Tech Starr IT
17 Suchitra Garg K J Automotive 39 Pranav Pugaonkar Accenture
18 Rahul Parikh Force motors 40   3 D PLM
19 Girija Mishra Redwise Consultant  41 Atul More Mass Tech 
20 Akash Jagtap Redwise Consultant  42 Deenesh Patil CMS Computers
21 CEMCON concrete  CEMCON concrete  43 Sumit Mahindrakar Securens
22 Sheetal kadbane CEMCON concrete  44 Akshay Wange ZF Steering

Placement Updates

K J College of Engineering & Management Research, Pune