KJ's Educational Institutes
Trinity Academy of Engineering, Pune
( Approved by AICTE, New Delhi, Govt. of Maharashtra & affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, DTE Code : EN6634)
Accredited by NAAC with ‘A+’ Grade

Information Technology
About Department

To Tutelage the tradition of KJEI’s Educational Institutes, Trinity Academy of Engineering is offering a new area of specialization in engineering, the department of Information Technology. The objective of this programme is to impart knowledge in cutting-edge technologies and with the thought process for disruptive innovation and research methodologies, so as to keep pace with emerging technologies.
The department is equipped with all modern facilities and a team of dynamic, young, incumbent and dedicated staff, with specialization in a wide array of areas like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Cloud Computing. The Bachelor of Engineering Program in Information Technology commenced from the academic year 2021-22. We offer a full time Undergraduate ‘Bachelor of Engineering’ Course with an intake of 60.
All the members of TEAM IT share the belief that IT is a tool, if used effectively, can improve the quality of all activities being carried out since Information Technology and today’s business requirements are inextricably interwoven. The Department of Information Technology, TAE, thrives to accomplish its vision of laying out proficient and technically sound students to the corporate world. We believe in “ Imagination is the beginning of creation” So, In TAE innovative ideas from the students side are always welcomed, encouraged and support for implementation of the same is offered by the faculty members. Team IT not only emphasizes on building a strong foundation for academics but gives equal gravity to the overall development of students by working on personality development of individuals.